Jersey City, New Jersey
Jersey City, New Jersey
Load Bank Testing
What Is a Generator Load Bank Test?
Load bank testing exposes a generator to varying load conditions to determine how the generator reacts to the applied power draw. A generator load bank test is the most accurate way to test the power capacity of a new or existing standby generator. Our load bank testing process allows us to ensure that your generator will perform optimally if you lose power.
Why Is Generator Load Bank Testing Important?
Load bank testing is crucial if you rely on a backup generator to provide your home or business with power in emergencies. Performing a load bank test enables us to accurately assess how well your emergency generator performs under real-world conditions. Load bank testing also provides essential insight into the performance capabilities of older backup generators. It can help identify generator issues so they can be corrected before the next power outage. Without consistent load bank testing, you can't be sure your generator will be able to run at full capacity when you need backup power to maintain your daily routines.
IMPORTANT: Don't mistake the automatic exercising your home or business generator does for a load bank test. Automatic exercises turn the generator on but don't put it under a power load. The only way to gauge your generator's health and performance capabilities is through a load bank test.
How Is a Standby Generator Tested?
Our experienced factory-authorized generator technicians and knowledgeable staff are trained in every standby generator's proper load bank testing procedures. We begin the load bank testing process by adhering to the backup generator manufacturer's operating recommendations, including checking all fluid levels. Our expertise ensures that we test your equipment with an appropriately sized load bank, that we never apply a load that's higher than the generator-rated capacity, and that we safely disconnect your generator from your home or business before performing the load bank test. The length of the load bank test depends on the type of generator you have and the generator application. While smaller generators often run under full load for up to three or four hours, larger applications can operate for eight hours or longer. However, for regular testing, we may need to run the generator and load bank for only 30 minutes plus time for blower warm-up and cool-down.
When Should a Load Bank Test Be Performed?
Different generator applications require different testing levels to ensure your generator can produce the power your home or business requires during a power outage. For all generator applications, load bank testing should be performed at the point of installation of a new generator to ensure that the unit is running within specifications. Load bank testing, in addition to our factory authorized startup procedure, ensures that your standby generator is properly protected by warranty. Placing the new generator under a full load also helps with the initial break-in procedure of the generator.
The experts at Northeast Generators recommend that residential standby generators that don't support any direct health needs be tested once per year. Federal guidelines require healthcare facilities and similar applications to have their backup generators tested at least once per month for a minimum of 30 minutes. Hospitals and other healthcare facilities that need emergency power for life-preservation equipment, such as ventilators and other machinery that maintain patients' vitals, should have generator load bank tests that last up to four hours, once every 36 months, in addition to the monthly 30-minute tests.
What Are the Benefits of Load Bank Testing?
Load bank testing provides you with peace of mind that your emergency generator is functioning at peak performance and can provide you with the power you need when you need it. Discovering that your standby generator performs poorly and at less than full power can save you time and money and help you avoid experiencing generator failure during a power emergency. In larger diesel standby generators, regular load bank testing increases generator efficiency by completely burning the engine's fuel, preventing wet stacking. Wet stacking occurs when unburned fuel condenses with soot to create deposits in the exhaust system, reducing the emergency generator's efficiency. Load bank tests allow businesses and healthcare facilities to rest assured that they're in compliance with federal regulations and that aspects of their businesses dependent on uninterrupted power, such as refrigeration, are protected. Northeast Generators' load bank testing and preventative maintenance services work in tandem to identify any repairs, upgrades, or adjustments that your generator requires to ensure it performs properly during a power outage.
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Generating Peace of Mind Since 2011
If you want to help protect your family or business from the unnecessary expenses, medical emergencies, property loss, and inconvenience that an unexpected, prolonged power outage can cause, depend on Northeast Generators to provide you with top-notch emergency power generator installation, maintenance, service, and repairs.
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